

Sunday 20th October 2024 | Northampton
Shoot Out Round 8
34 cars
Top Scorer 346  (47 pts)
Heat 1 H40 587 16 217 151 120 95 22 515 H239    
Heat 2 515 16 55 525 469 268 138 463 418 22    
Heat 3 346 55 95 1 120 268 138 93        
Final 346 217 H453 138 418 1 93 515 567 545 151 120
Grand National H453 1 515 418 138 55 217 16 346 587 151  

Saturday 19th October 2024 | King's Lynn
Shoot Out Round 8
51 cars
Top Scorer 1  (43 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 151 H40 82 372 469 269 453 567 162 22    
Heat 1 22 515 217 525 587 120 H40 127 526 138    
Heat 2 1 259 166 446 H453 55 242 151 469 510    
Consolation 352 16 463 301 95 162 225 124 523      
Final 1 217 166 515 587 16 55 463 242 127 151 120
Grand National 120 151 16 469 515 410 127 95 H453 587 53 1

Sunday 13th October 2024 | Skegness
Shoot Out Round 7
40 cars
Top Scorer 1  (43 pts)
Heat 1 20 1 595 307 269 408 16 166 132 175    
Heat 2 8 523 452 515 217 555 212 H318 453 368    
Consolation 526 300 124 55 147 259 410 178 446 138 287 345
Final 1 555 259 16 20 217 212 515 452 410 408 55
Grand National 16 515 217 212 20 410 55 175 147 8 1 132

Saturday 12th October 2024 | Skegness
Shoot Out Round 6
44 cars
Top Scorer 16  (50 pts)
Heat 1 138 8 368 410 175 5 217 515 345 22    
Heat 2 1 166 526 452 242 399 16 408 H318 120    
Consolation 20 55 212 124 147 523 269 446 178 312    
Final 16 8 515 175 138 242 H318 120 446 595 55 178
Grand National 515 8 526 1 16 408 175 242 410 178 132 446

Saturday 5th October 2024 | Buxton
Shoot Out Round 5
25 cars
Top Scorer 1  (45 pts)
Heat 1 1 8 242 212 16 259 157 217 166 73 55 138
Heat 2 1 212 16 515 242 55 259 138 217 8 166 410
Final 1 515 217 138 8 127 166          
Grand National 22 217 8 515 16 212 55 138 157 166 345 178

Sunday 29th September 2024 | Northampton
Shoot Out Round 4
38 cars
Top Scorer 55  (56 pts)
Heat 1 216 1 217 20 120 463 259 12 151 163    
Heat 2 453 499 526 138 55 446 515 93 124 212    
Consolation 418 410 16 175 127 372 403          
Final 55 410 515 1 418 20 212 12 120 526 259 453
Grand National 410 1 55 446 212 418 20 16 499 345 120 515
This was the second of two meetings staged at Northampton on Saturday 28th September. Listed on here as the 29th to avoid the confusion of two meetings at the same track on the same date.

Saturday 28th September 2024 | Northampton
Shoot Out Round 3
47 cars
Top Scorer 418  (46 pts)
Heat 1 418 410 16 515 12 93 352 545 453      
Heat 2 1 138 55 82 217 20 120 175 463 163    
Consolation 259 212 526 372 499 523 151 375 333 127    
Final 20 93 418 55 138 545 217 163 463 446 12 259
Grand National 418 217 526 410 55 515 216 138 525 463 346 12

Saturday 21st September 2024 | Bradford
Shoot Out Round 2
31 cars
Top Scorer 1  (61 pts)
Heat 1 587 93 446 515 138 212 22 345        
Heat 2 1 217 16 95 259 463 499 53        
Consolation 163 216 410 44 55 5 NZ23 404 32 412 346  
Final 1 410 138 515 5 55 44 216 259 212 446 217
Grand National 446 16 1 515 410 463 216 346 587 NZ133 345 44

Sunday 15th September 2024 | Skegness
World Masters
69 cars
Top Scorer 67  (42 pts)
Heat 1 1 67 259 147 217 22 523 307        
Heat 2 283 408 515 269 452 226 526 501        
Heat 3 H318 16 287 20 410 157 216 73        
Consolation 1 138 8 175 484 H194              
Consolation 2 212 5 446 H124 300              
Final 1 526 515 67 138 408 5 212 16 175 446 73
Grand National 67 526 22 217 20 525 515 446 175 NZ56 287 138

Saturday 14th September 2024 | Skegness
World Championship Final
87 cars
Top Scorer 1  (100 pts)
World Consolation 217 20 408 381 216 12 8 95        
Heat 2 226 307 484 283 339 H229 H665 269 420 H999 H215 T6
World Final 1 515 16 217 259 175 368 2 242 H124 H141 H195 446 H6 NZ23 525 USA7 NZ56 H97
Consolation 1 526 124 166 132 73              
Consolation 2 453 67 157 523 20              
Final 515 242 175 73 408 484 H141 16 20 12 166 283
Grand National 1 283 H248 498 501 H318 22 H141 NZ56 147 H14 H195 345
Grand National 2 408 20 526 16 157 132 381 175 55 212 300 515

Sunday 25th August 2024 | Bradford
23 cars
Top Scorer 138  (55 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 82 93 453 NZ56 35 338 375 151 44 414    
Heat 1 16 55 138 93 1 587 175 515 446 453 151 35
Heat 2 138 587 1 16 446 20 55 93 127 175 375 NZ56
Final 138 587 16 515 93 446 55 NZ56 151 44 453 463
Grand National 16 NZ56 1 587 446 175 453 515 138 127 44 151

Saturday 24th August 2024 | Bradford
28 cars
Top Scorer 55  (44 pts)
Heat 1 93 55 1 587 414 82 95 35 138 212 216 53
Heat 2 82 463 127 446 20 515 16 212 453 35 44 404
Heat 3 55 20 587 138 44 175 352 53 127 31 44 151
Final 55 138 414 515 95 31 446 212 587 53 NZ56 93
Grand National 587 16 446 515 216 93 175 NZ56 53 44 453 151

Sunday 4th August 2024 | King's Lynn
44 cars
Top Scorer 217  (43 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 82 453 31 93 22 414 H194 301 215 404    
Heat 1 515 82 418 555 93 120 20 446 175 H141    
Heat 2 410 217 138 346 H618 95 212 352 55 335    
Consolation 16 1 124 526 525 344 H592 463 22 404 453  
Final 410 217 175 1 212 555 525 463 22 H618 93 H141
Dash For Cash 16 217 55 344 446 212 463 418 526 22 95 H194

Saturday 3rd August 2024 | King's Lynn
World Semi-Final
58 cars
Top Scorer 259  (51 pts)
Heat 1 H618 138 175 H592 352 335 554 345        
Heat 2 410 82 16 346 372 120 H141 124        
World Semi-Final 1 526 212 5 446 259 555 166 525 2    
Consolation 217 408 418 515 93 216 H75 338 H400 67    
Final 259 217 410 555 212 418 515 H75 93 120 138 67
Grand National 138 217 175 1 2 515 20 259 H75 345 525 95

Sunday 21st July 2024 | Hednesford
World Semi-Final
37 cars
Top Scorer 515  (46 pts)
Heat 1 8 12 408 20 5 595            
World Semi-Final 16 515 55 175 73 242 157 124 368 551    
Consolation 501 147 283 410 345 11 453 22 420 325    
Final 368 595 242 124 515 408 5 16 175 551 12 20
Grand National 157 73 515 408 551 12 55 124 5 283 8 381

Sunday 14th July 2024 | Skegness
42 cars
Top Scorer 368  (38 pts)
Heat 1 217 20 216 H124 166 124 307 120 147 453    
Heat 2 16 H229 408 368 H248 164 8 381 287 178    
Consolation 287 555 525 498 H318 269 515 22 147 445 11 178
Final 368 124 22 408 498 217 287 8 16 147 164 166
Grand National 269 30 20 381 147 8 166 408 525 120 22 11

Saturday 13th July 2024 | Skegness
49 cars
Top Scorer 217  (45 pts)
Trust Fund 124 8 408 217 48 381 120 525 20 515    
Heat 2 H124 H229 445 H318 164 22 453 269 287 30    
Consolation 555 484 242 212 147 300 178 312 345 526 11 55
Final 217 408 515 8 287 H124 H229 212 20 526 H318 555
Grand National 16 408 8 H248 H229 20 242 H124 217 555 526 166

Monday 8th July 2024 | Sheffield
18 cars
Top Scorer 16  (46 pts)
Heat 1 82 216 364 16 259 345 163 22 175 463 95  
Heat 2 55 216 16 95 463 446 259 345 175 338 82 22
Final 55 16 175 463 95 259 364 446 338 22 345  
Grand National 364 463 95 16 175 259 345 163 22 55 216 338

Saturday 6th July 2024 | King's Lynn
35 cars
Top Scorer 16  (48 pts)
Heat 1 157 338 551 372 375 108 215 255 63 264    
Heat 2 1 138 5 20 16 157 372 127 216 463 457 73
Heat 3 457 5 446 138 16 551 120 345 463 346 352 73
Final 1 16 446 127 157 551 338 499 93 63 346 255
Grand National 16 124 345 138 403 499 127 457 22 580 73  

Sunday 30th June 2024 | Bradford
34 cars
Top Scorer 1  (53 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 35 82 375 44 545 337 79 93 63      
Heat 1 410 157 1 216 16 515 212 20 525 268 453 375
Heat 2 410 157 55 95 217 515 20 259 127      
Heat 3 1 418 446 55 138 457 463 127 124 259 44 175
Final 1 20 157 515 95 446 127 216 545      
Grand National 157 20 55 16 525 95 515 216 418 1 463 175

Saturday 29th June 2024 | Bradford
British Championship
46 cars
Top Scorer 1  (51 pts)
Heat 1 446 217 1 16 525 410 175 212 463 259 414  
Heat 2 97 216 55 35 526 587 235 95 364 44 157 545
Heat 3 16 525 418 555 124 5 364 414 463 526 268 212
Heat 4 157 1 127 545 95 410 55 515 587 166 20 335
Heat 5 525 418 97 55 457 5 526 34 16 216 44 545
Heat 6 587 446 157 555 1 217 515 410 20 259 95 463
Final 1 216 16 525 175 515 217 95 20 166 259 555

Saturday 22nd June 2024 | Ipswich
38 cars
Top Scorer 551  (47 pts)
Heat 1 408 515 551 5 526 8 11 120 147 525 287 22
Heat 2 132 551 399 124 526 166 515 259 48 8 11 120
Heat 3 287 226 368 381 408 157 48 399 5 22 16 259
Final 157 551 226 368 408 147 381 515 5 339 132 11
Grand National 408 515 5 16 551 287 166 345 8 452 525 11
This meeting on MYLAPS

Sunday 9th June 2024 | Northampton
European Championship
54 cars
Top Scorer 97  (51 pts)
Heat 1 410 93 1 H229 138 175 268 463 259 95 446 H496
Heat 2 55 97 H511 5 525 515 157 124 526 127 2 345
Heat 3 457 216 217 16 212 381 20 H181 11 545 580 403
Last Chance H511 418 11 95 345 352 335 73 453 545 H496 403
Final 97 1 515 138 16 217 20 410 124 175 127 H511
Grand National 1 16 515 20 216 95 97 H229 418 73 545 127

Saturday 8th June 2024 | Northampton
58 cars
Top Scorers 97  515  (42 pts)
Heat 1 515 1 410 259 555 124 127 157        
Heat 2 55 446 138 525 H181 463 532 268        
Heat 3 97 16 216 364 175 20 526 457        
Consolation 217 2 5 95 212 418 H229 545 73 120    
Final 5 446 97 212 515 1 217 457 175 555 120 525
Grand National 1 157 410 97 555 526 138 212 2 166 H229 H181 418
Grand National 2 515 1 259 469 446 127 175 124 20 463 H496 352

Sunday 2nd June 2024 | Aldershot
31 cars
Top Scorer 132  (42 pts)
Heat 1 132 22 16 420 259 453 551 526        
Heat 2 269 242 399 515 498 5 48 11        
Consolation 12 73 120 452 172 175 312 345 523 71    
Final 132 48 16 12 259 515 399 22 5 120 420 345
Grand National 22 12 242 16 551 48 73 259 345 120 11 515
This meeting on MYLAPS

Sunday 26th May 2024 | Bradford
30 cars
Top Scorer 1  (56 pts)
Heat 1 93 414 24 453 268 350 44 469 79      
Heat 2 127 16 216 217 55 463 410 525 H40 95 345 418
Heat 3 55 1 446 525 515 418 463 175 410 127 345 93
Final 1 55 410 515 446 20 525 H40 463 259 124 175
Grand National 55 463 446 1 175 525 127 16 259 268    

Saturday 25th May 2024 | Bradford
37 cars
Top Scorer 1  (59 pts)
Heat 1 97 457 463 515 345 216 127 163        
Heat 2 410 1 55 16 525 157 554 259        
Consolation 217 418 175 20 95 235 93 532 530 44 469 350
Final 1 97 16 410 55 217 216 235 157 259 20 345
Grand National 446 554 1 124 463 525 127 55 175 16 44 216

Saturday 18th May 2024 | King's Lynn
41 cars
Top Scorer 1  (67 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 235 372 82 453 93 545 268 499        
Heat 1 515 446 463 138 418 545 235 345 82 175    
Heat 2 97 1 16 216 453 372 414 268 259 120    
Consolation 55 457 124 335 554 127 352 228 580 548    
Final 1 97 515 55 446 235 259 175 372 120 335 216
Grand National 1 16 55 138 515 175 463 259 120 453 345 268
This meeting on MYLAPS

Sunday 12th May 2024 | Skegness
UK Open Championship
55 cars
Top Scorer 1  (71 pts)
Heat 1 368 132 408 217 515 524 120 20 73 242 595 287 175 381 11
Heat 2 H318 22 1 147 164 16 212 259 216 166 25 327 2 5 263
Heat 3 551 166 595 269 1 216 16 175 178 300 559 120 307 22 74
Heat 4 H318 498 408 217 526 5 147 212 318 25 381 124 352 30 399
Final 1 381 H318 166 217 16 212 5 526 147 259 551
Grand National 16 269 259 1 453 20 73 399 175 11 287 164
This meeting on MYLAPS

Saturday 11th May 2024 | Skegness
58 cars
Top Scorer 1  (45 pts)
Heat 1 1 551 269 20 259 97 164 147 2      
Heat 2 368 515 166 48 498 408 25 172 212      
Heat 3 H318 242 30 595 216 217 526 255 16      
Consolation 132 22 124 399 381 226 295          
Final 368 1 217 498 515 16 212 259 526 381 172 226
Grand National 242 1 217 147 216 5 452 287 22 530 559 175
This meeting on MYLAPS

Monday 6th May 2024 | Sheffield
26 cars
Top Scorer 457  (45 pts)
Heat 1 235 364 375 530 35 499 263          
Heat 2 457 55 259 20 95 446 212 166 175 35 127 16
Heat 3 268 166 446 16 515 95 259 175 235 163 530 499
Final 457 55 20 515 259 175 138 463 95 364 499 235
Grand National 446 16 235 138 175 463 259 345 515 457 364 95

Sunday 28th April 2024 | Northampton
39 cars
Top Scorer 55  (47 pts)
Heat 1 216 345 268 20 138 55 95 335 157 414    
Heat 2 5 1 515 525 364 11 127 93 120 301    
Consolation 555 212 166 16 381 463 124 453 545 446    
Final 55 1 515 453 446 525 216 93 212 95 345 268
Grand National 364 1 345 446 124 453 55 95 166 212 11 545
This meeting on MYLAPS

Saturday 27th April 2024 | Mildenhall
34 cars
Top Scorers 138  372  (37 pts)
Heat 1 216 55 555 5 20 526 124 372        
Heat 2 268 16 138 499 175 212 259 345        
Consolation 554 352 235 335 11 295 166 157 453 525 120 463
Final 235 372 16 138 175 463 335 259 5 166 554 525
Grand National 352 372 138 446 216 166 55 157 555 20 5 212
This meeting on MYLAPS

Saturday 20th April 2024 | Bradford
31 cars
Top Scorer 138  (51 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 18 35 554 364 350 375 263 530 163      
Heat 1 16 212 463 446 95 175 345 44 499 515    
Heat 2 55 175 345 95 554 548 63 263 295      
Heat 3 55 163 138 446 216 463 35 350 44 453    
Final 138 463 515 16 216 212 175 163 345 364 350 548
Grand National 55 446 515 95 216 138 16 212 163 175 463 63

Sunday 14th April 2024 | Hednesford
36 cars
Top Scorer 1  (42 pts)
Heat 1 339 345 147 408 12 124 16 97 212 216    
Heat 2 1 175 217 515 48 551 166 20 120 295    
Consolation 5 242 526 498 73 22 381 453 530 452 420 559
Final 345 295 175 5 1 124 217 498 16 408 97 20
Grand National 1 217 166 16 212 73 515 12 259 381 20 48
This meeting on MYLAPS

Saturday 13th April 2024 | Buxton
32 cars
Top Scorer 1  (57 pts)
Heat 1 1 16 345 73 212 295 526 498 22 551 524 559
Heat 2 124 242 48 175 166 73 212 216 515 524 147 178
Heat 3 559 16 1 175 551 48 327 166 178 242 172 295
Final 1 515 166 16 48 551 526 212 242 295 73 498
Grand National 124 175 73 16 526 551 515 1 120 345 498 147
This meeting on MYLAPS

Saturday 6th April 2024 | King's Lynn
43 cars
Top Scorer 97  (69 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 82 453 345 163 95 352 554 443 350 268 338 295
Heat 1 554 515 5 212 526 73 191 372 452 259    
Heat 2 97 166 16 20 555 216 453 338 120 499    
Consolation 163 175 525 418 410 350 95 580        
Final 97 166 515 410 95 16 526 212 20 555 350 580
Grand National 97 345 5 16 515 212 418 163 350 120 95 580
This meeting on MYLAPS

Friday 29th March 2024 | Skegness
37 cars
Top Scorer 345  (43 pts)
Heat 1 452 147 498 259 408 295 269 16        
Heat 2 178 551 30 172 381 217 1 48        
Consolation 318 501 345 166 216 H575 120 300 255 263 399 22
Final 345 178 1 408 381 217 498 216 16 318 259 295
Grand National 408 381 318 16 147 498 166 551 345 217 120 255
This meeting on MYLAPS

Saturday 23rd March 2024 | Northampton
33 cars
Top Scorer 138  (49 pts)
Heat 1 124 499 463 73 216 352 120 295        
Heat 2 138 55 5 446 345 335 326 545        
Consolation 554 16 175 191 268 82 580 403 79 530 333  
Final 138 352 16 5 463 73 191 175 326 446 295 345
Grand National 515 16 138 345 216 352 463 124 326 446 191 295
This meeting on MYLAPS

Saturday 16th March 2024 | King's Lynn
38 cars
Top Scorer 515  (40 pts)
Heat 1 268 163 499 554 345 372 120 352        
Heat 2 95 55 124 335 175 463 295 216 16 326    
Consolation 515 446 166 5 82 73 545 63 375 350 453 443
Final 124 16 326 515 95 73 463 175 499 55 295 352
Grand National 515 166 5 463 95 335 381 469 350 580 175 453
This meeting on MYLAPS

20th Oct | Northampton
Shoot Out Round 8
34 cars
Top Scorer 346  (47 pts)
Heat 1 H40 587 16 217 151 120 95 22 515 H239    
Heat 2 515 16 55 525 469 268 138 463 418 22    
Heat 3 346 55 95 1 120 268 138 93        
Final 346 217 H453 138 418 1 93 515 567 545 151 120
Grand National H453 1 515 418 138 55 217 16 346 587 151  

19th Oct | King's Lynn
Shoot Out Round 8
51 cars
Top Scorer 1  (43 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 151 H40 82 372 469 269 453 567 162 22    
Heat 1 22 515 217 525 587 120 H40 127 526 138    
Heat 2 1 259 166 446 H453 55 242 151 469 510    
Consolation 352 16 463 301 95 162 225 124 523      
Final 1 217 166 515 587 16 55 463 242 127 151 120
Grand National 120 151 16 469 515 410 127 95 H453 587 53 1

13th Oct | Skegness
Shoot Out Round 7
40 cars
Top Scorer 1  (43 pts)
Heat 1 20 1 595 307 269 408 16 166 132 175    
Heat 2 8 523 452 515 217 555 212 H318 453 368    
Consolation 526 300 124 55 147 259 410 178 446 138 287 345
Final 1 555 259 16 20 217 212 515 452 410 408 55
Grand National 16 515 217 212 20 410 55 175 147 8 1 132

12th Oct | Skegness
Shoot Out Round 6
44 cars
Top Scorer 16  (50 pts)
Heat 1 138 8 368 410 175 5 217 515 345 22    
Heat 2 1 166 526 452 242 399 16 408 H318 120    
Consolation 20 55 212 124 147 523 269 446 178 312    
Final 16 8 515 175 138 242 H318 120 446 595 55 178
Grand National 515 8 526 1 16 408 175 242 410 178 132 446

5th Oct | Buxton
Shoot Out Round 5
25 cars
Top Scorer 1  (45 pts)
Heat 1 1 8 242 212 16 259 157 217 166 73 55 138
Heat 2 1 212 16 515 242 55 259 138 217 8 166 410
Final 1 515 217 138 8 127 166          
Grand National 22 217 8 515 16 212 55 138 157 166 345 178

29th Sep | Northampton
Shoot Out Round 4
38 cars
Top Scorer 55  (56 pts)
Heat 1 216 1 217 20 120 463 259 12 151 163    
Heat 2 453 499 526 138 55 446 515 93 124 212    
Consolation 418 410 16 175 127 372 403          
Final 55 410 515 1 418 20 212 12 120 526 259 453
Grand National 410 1 55 446 212 418 20 16 499 345 120 515
This was the second of two meetings staged at Northampton on Saturday 28th September. Listed on here as the 29th to avoid the confusion of two meetings at the same track on the same date.

28th Sep | Northampton
Shoot Out Round 3
47 cars
Top Scorer 418  (46 pts)
Heat 1 418 410 16 515 12 93 352 545 453      
Heat 2 1 138 55 82 217 20 120 175 463 163    
Consolation 259 212 526 372 499 523 151 375 333 127    
Final 20 93 418 55 138 545 217 163 463 446 12 259
Grand National 418 217 526 410 55 515 216 138 525 463 346 12

21st Sep | Bradford
Shoot Out Round 2
31 cars
Top Scorer 1  (61 pts)
Heat 1 587 93 446 515 138 212 22 345        
Heat 2 1 217 16 95 259 463 499 53        
Consolation 163 216 410 44 55 5 NZ23 404 32 412 346  
Final 1 410 138 515 5 55 44 216 259 212 446 217
Grand National 446 16 1 515 410 463 216 346 587 NZ133 345 44

15th Sep | Skegness
World Masters
69 cars
Top Scorer 67  (42 pts)
Heat 1 1 67 259 147 217 22 523 307        
Heat 2 283 408 515 269 452 226 526 501        
Heat 3 H318 16 287 20 410 157 216 73        
Consolation 1 138 8 175 484 H194              
Consolation 2 212 5 446 H124 300              
Final 1 526 515 67 138 408 5 212 16 175 446 73
Grand National 67 526 22 217 20 525 515 446 175 NZ56 287 138

14th Sep | Skegness
World Championship Final
87 cars
Top Scorer 1  (100 pts)
World Consolation 217 20 408 381 216 12 8 95        
Heat 2 226 307 484 283 339 H229 H665 269 420 H999 H215 T6
World Final 1 515 16 217 259 175 368 2 242 H124 H141 H195 446 H6 NZ23 525 USA7 NZ56 H97
Consolation 1 526 124 166 132 73              
Consolation 2 453 67 157 523 20              
Final 515 242 175 73 408 484 H141 16 20 12 166 283
Grand National 1 283 H248 498 501 H318 22 H141 NZ56 147 H14 H195 345
Grand National 2 408 20 526 16 157 132 381 175 55 212 300 515

25th Aug | Bradford
23 cars
Top Scorer 138  (55 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 82 93 453 NZ56 35 338 375 151 44 414    
Heat 1 16 55 138 93 1 587 175 515 446 453 151 35
Heat 2 138 587 1 16 446 20 55 93 127 175 375 NZ56
Final 138 587 16 515 93 446 55 NZ56 151 44 453 463
Grand National 16 NZ56 1 587 446 175 453 515 138 127 44 151

24th Aug | Bradford
28 cars
Top Scorer 55  (44 pts)
Heat 1 93 55 1 587 414 82 95 35 138 212 216 53
Heat 2 82 463 127 446 20 515 16 212 453 35 44 404
Heat 3 55 20 587 138 44 175 352 53 127 31 44 151
Final 55 138 414 515 95 31 446 212 587 53 NZ56 93
Grand National 587 16 446 515 216 93 175 NZ56 53 44 453 151

4th Aug | King's Lynn
44 cars
Top Scorer 217  (43 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 82 453 31 93 22 414 H194 301 215 404    
Heat 1 515 82 418 555 93 120 20 446 175 H141    
Heat 2 410 217 138 346 H618 95 212 352 55 335    
Consolation 16 1 124 526 525 344 H592 463 22 404 453  
Final 410 217 175 1 212 555 525 463 22 H618 93 H141
Dash For Cash 16 217 55 344 446 212 463 418 526 22 95 H194

3rd Aug | King's Lynn
World Semi-Final
58 cars
Top Scorer 259  (51 pts)
Heat 1 H618 138 175 H592 352 335 554 345        
Heat 2 410 82 16 346 372 120 H141 124        
World Semi-Final 1 526 212 5 446 259 555 166 525 2    
Consolation 217 408 418 515 93 216 H75 338 H400 67    
Final 259 217 410 555 212 418 515 H75 93 120 138 67
Grand National 138 217 175 1 2 515 20 259 H75 345 525 95

21st Jul | Hednesford
World Semi-Final
37 cars
Top Scorer 515  (46 pts)
Heat 1 8 12 408 20 5 595            
World Semi-Final 16 515 55 175 73 242 157 124 368 551    
Consolation 501 147 283 410 345 11 453 22 420 325    
Final 368 595 242 124 515 408 5 16 175 551 12 20
Grand National 157 73 515 408 551 12 55 124 5 283 8 381

14th Jul | Skegness
42 cars
Top Scorer 368  (38 pts)
Heat 1 217 20 216 H124 166 124 307 120 147 453    
Heat 2 16 H229 408 368 H248 164 8 381 287 178    
Consolation 287 555 525 498 H318 269 515 22 147 445 11 178
Final 368 124 22 408 498 217 287 8 16 147 164 166
Grand National 269 30 20 381 147 8 166 408 525 120 22 11

13th Jul | Skegness
49 cars
Top Scorer 217  (45 pts)
Trust Fund 124 8 408 217 48 381 120 525 20 515    
Heat 2 H124 H229 445 H318 164 22 453 269 287 30    
Consolation 555 484 242 212 147 300 178 312 345 526 11 55
Final 217 408 515 8 287 H124 H229 212 20 526 H318 555
Grand National 16 408 8 H248 H229 20 242 H124 217 555 526 166

8th Jul | Sheffield
18 cars
Top Scorer 16  (46 pts)
Heat 1 82 216 364 16 259 345 163 22 175 463 95  
Heat 2 55 216 16 95 463 446 259 345 175 338 82 22
Final 55 16 175 463 95 259 364 446 338 22 345  
Grand National 364 463 95 16 175 259 345 163 22 55 216 338

6th Jul | King's Lynn
35 cars
Top Scorer 16  (48 pts)
Heat 1 157 338 551 372 375 108 215 255 63 264    
Heat 2 1 138 5 20 16 157 372 127 216 463 457 73
Heat 3 457 5 446 138 16 551 120 345 463 346 352 73
Final 1 16 446 127 157 551 338 499 93 63 346 255
Grand National 16 124 345 138 403 499 127 457 22 580 73  

30th Jun | Bradford
34 cars
Top Scorer 1  (53 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 35 82 375 44 545 337 79 93 63      
Heat 1 410 157 1 216 16 515 212 20 525 268 453 375
Heat 2 410 157 55 95 217 515 20 259 127      
Heat 3 1 418 446 55 138 457 463 127 124 259 44 175
Final 1 20 157 515 95 446 127 216 545      
Grand National 157 20 55 16 525 95 515 216 418 1 463 175

29th Jun | Bradford
British Championship
46 cars
Top Scorer 1  (51 pts)
Heat 1 446 217 1 16 525 410 175 212 463 259 414  
Heat 2 97 216 55 35 526 587 235 95 364 44 157 545
Heat 3 16 525 418 555 124 5 364 414 463 526 268 212
Heat 4 157 1 127 545 95 410 55 515 587 166 20 335
Heat 5 525 418 97 55 457 5 526 34 16 216 44 545
Heat 6 587 446 157 555 1 217 515 410 20 259 95 463
Final 1 216 16 525 175 515 217 95 20 166 259 555

22nd Jun | Ipswich
38 cars
Top Scorer 551  (47 pts)
Heat 1 408 515 551 5 526 8 11 120 147 525 287 22
Heat 2 132 551 399 124 526 166 515 259 48 8 11 120
Heat 3 287 226 368 381 408 157 48 399 5 22 16 259
Final 157 551 226 368 408 147 381 515 5 339 132 11
Grand National 408 515 5 16 551 287 166 345 8 452 525 11
This meeting on MYLAPS

9th Jun | Northampton
European Championship
54 cars
Top Scorer 97  (51 pts)
Heat 1 410 93 1 H229 138 175 268 463 259 95 446 H496
Heat 2 55 97 H511 5 525 515 157 124 526 127 2 345
Heat 3 457 216 217 16 212 381 20 H181 11 545 580 403
Last Chance H511 418 11 95 345 352 335 73 453 545 H496 403
Final 97 1 515 138 16 217 20 410 124 175 127 H511
Grand National 1 16 515 20 216 95 97 H229 418 73 545 127

8th Jun | Northampton
58 cars
Top Scorers 97  515  (42 pts)
Heat 1 515 1 410 259 555 124 127 157        
Heat 2 55 446 138 525 H181 463 532 268        
Heat 3 97 16 216 364 175 20 526 457        
Consolation 217 2 5 95 212 418 H229 545 73 120    
Final 5 446 97 212 515 1 217 457 175 555 120 525
Grand National 1 157 410 97 555 526 138 212 2 166 H229 H181 418
Grand National 2 515 1 259 469 446 127 175 124 20 463 H496 352

2nd Jun | Aldershot
31 cars
Top Scorer 132  (42 pts)
Heat 1 132 22 16 420 259 453 551 526        
Heat 2 269 242 399 515 498 5 48 11        
Consolation 12 73 120 452 172 175 312 345 523 71    
Final 132 48 16 12 259 515 399 22 5 120 420 345
Grand National 22 12 242 16 551 48 73 259 345 120 11 515
This meeting on MYLAPS

26th May | Bradford
30 cars
Top Scorer 1  (56 pts)
Heat 1 93 414 24 453 268 350 44 469 79      
Heat 2 127 16 216 217 55 463 410 525 H40 95 345 418
Heat 3 55 1 446 525 515 418 463 175 410 127 345 93
Final 1 55 410 515 446 20 525 H40 463 259 124 175
Grand National 55 463 446 1 175 525 127 16 259 268    

25th May | Bradford
37 cars
Top Scorer 1  (59 pts)
Heat 1 97 457 463 515 345 216 127 163        
Heat 2 410 1 55 16 525 157 554 259        
Consolation 217 418 175 20 95 235 93 532 530 44 469 350
Final 1 97 16 410 55 217 216 235 157 259 20 345
Grand National 446 554 1 124 463 525 127 55 175 16 44 216

18th May | King's Lynn
41 cars
Top Scorer 1  (67 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 235 372 82 453 93 545 268 499        
Heat 1 515 446 463 138 418 545 235 345 82 175    
Heat 2 97 1 16 216 453 372 414 268 259 120    
Consolation 55 457 124 335 554 127 352 228 580 548    
Final 1 97 515 55 446 235 259 175 372 120 335 216
Grand National 1 16 55 138 515 175 463 259 120 453 345 268
This meeting on MYLAPS

12th May | Skegness
UK Open Championship
55 cars
Top Scorer 1  (71 pts)
Heat 1 368 132 408 217 515 524 120 20 73 242 595 287 175 381 11
Heat 2 H318 22 1 147 164 16 212 259 216 166 25 327 2 5 263
Heat 3 551 166 595 269 1 216 16 175 178 300 559 120 307 22 74
Heat 4 H318 498 408 217 526 5 147 212 318 25 381 124 352 30 399
Final 1 381 H318 166 217 16 212 5 526 147 259 551
Grand National 16 269 259 1 453 20 73 399 175 11 287 164
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11th May | Skegness
58 cars
Top Scorer 1  (45 pts)
Heat 1 1 551 269 20 259 97 164 147 2      
Heat 2 368 515 166 48 498 408 25 172 212      
Heat 3 H318 242 30 595 216 217 526 255 16      
Consolation 132 22 124 399 381 226 295          
Final 368 1 217 498 515 16 212 259 526 381 172 226
Grand National 242 1 217 147 216 5 452 287 22 530 559 175
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6th May | Sheffield
26 cars
Top Scorer 457  (45 pts)
Heat 1 235 364 375 530 35 499 263          
Heat 2 457 55 259 20 95 446 212 166 175 35 127 16
Heat 3 268 166 446 16 515 95 259 175 235 163 530 499
Final 457 55 20 515 259 175 138 463 95 364 499 235
Grand National 446 16 235 138 175 463 259 345 515 457 364 95

28th Apr | Northampton
39 cars
Top Scorer 55  (47 pts)
Heat 1 216 345 268 20 138 55 95 335 157 414    
Heat 2 5 1 515 525 364 11 127 93 120 301    
Consolation 555 212 166 16 381 463 124 453 545 446    
Final 55 1 515 453 446 525 216 93 212 95 345 268
Grand National 364 1 345 446 124 453 55 95 166 212 11 545
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27th Apr | Mildenhall
34 cars
Top Scorers 138  372  (37 pts)
Heat 1 216 55 555 5 20 526 124 372        
Heat 2 268 16 138 499 175 212 259 345        
Consolation 554 352 235 335 11 295 166 157 453 525 120 463
Final 235 372 16 138 175 463 335 259 5 166 554 525
Grand National 352 372 138 446 216 166 55 157 555 20 5 212
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20th Apr | Bradford
31 cars
Top Scorer 138  (51 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 18 35 554 364 350 375 263 530 163      
Heat 1 16 212 463 446 95 175 345 44 499 515    
Heat 2 55 175 345 95 554 548 63 263 295      
Heat 3 55 163 138 446 216 463 35 350 44 453    
Final 138 463 515 16 216 212 175 163 345 364 350 548
Grand National 55 446 515 95 216 138 16 212 163 175 463 63

14th Apr | Hednesford
36 cars
Top Scorer 1  (42 pts)
Heat 1 339 345 147 408 12 124 16 97 212 216    
Heat 2 1 175 217 515 48 551 166 20 120 295    
Consolation 5 242 526 498 73 22 381 453 530 452 420 559
Final 345 295 175 5 1 124 217 498 16 408 97 20
Grand National 1 217 166 16 212 73 515 12 259 381 20 48
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13th Apr | Buxton
32 cars
Top Scorer 1  (57 pts)
Heat 1 1 16 345 73 212 295 526 498 22 551 524 559
Heat 2 124 242 48 175 166 73 212 216 515 524 147 178
Heat 3 559 16 1 175 551 48 327 166 178 242 172 295
Final 1 515 166 16 48 551 526 212 242 295 73 498
Grand National 124 175 73 16 526 551 515 1 120 345 498 147
This meeting on MYLAPS

6th Apr | King's Lynn
43 cars
Top Scorer 97  (69 pts)
White/Yellow Top Race 82 453 345 163 95 352 554 443 350 268 338 295
Heat 1 554 515 5 212 526 73 191 372 452 259    
Heat 2 97 166 16 20 555 216 453 338 120 499    
Consolation 163 175 525 418 410 350 95 580        
Final 97 166 515 410 95 16 526 212 20 555 350 580
Grand National 97 345 5 16 515 212 418 163 350 120 95 580
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29th Mar | Skegness
37 cars
Top Scorer 345  (43 pts)
Heat 1 452 147 498 259 408 295 269 16        
Heat 2 178 551 30 172 381 217 1 48        
Consolation 318 501 345 166 216 H575 120 300 255 263 399 22
Final 345 178 1 408 381 217 498 216 16 318 259 295
Grand National 408 381 318 16 147 498 166 551 345 217 120 255
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23rd Mar | Northampton
33 cars
Top Scorer 138  (49 pts)
Heat 1 124 499 463 73 216 352 120 295        
Heat 2 138 55 5 446 345 335 326 545        
Consolation 554 16 175 191 268 82 580 403 79 530 333  
Final 138 352 16 5 463 73 191 175 326 446 295 345
Grand National 515 16 138 345 216 352 463 124 326 446 191 295
This meeting on MYLAPS

16th Mar | King's Lynn
38 cars
Top Scorer 515  (40 pts)
Heat 1 268 163 499 554 345 372 120 352        
Heat 2 95 55 124 335 175 463 295 216 16 326    
Consolation 515 446 166 5 82 73 545 63 375 350 453 443
Final 124 16 326 515 95 73 463 175 499 55 295 352
Grand National 515 166 5 463 95 335 381 469 350 580 175 453
This meeting on MYLAPS